dr mathias jensen

Dr. Mathias Jensen is a world renowned fungal expert whose inventions & protocols have relieved 250,000+ people suffering from fungus infections...

One of his most recent cutting-edge inventions is a meticulously-crafted natural formula (in the form of mist spray) which combines extremely potent oils and skin-repairing vitamins called ProNail Complex... It works so well because:

  1. It deals with the real root cause of long term fungal infection, kicking the fungus out of the deeper layer of skin on your feet.
  2. It strengthens the immune system of your skin and nails, so that your body can learn how to fight back against the fungus.
  3. It prevents the spores of the fungus from spreading all over the place and lurking about just waiting for the right moment to infect your loved ones or you.
  • Finally win the battle against smelly feet, flaky skin and itchy toenails.
  • Never feel embarrassed or self-conscious about the appearance of your nails ever again.
  • Never worry about infecting your loves ones.
  • Finally enjoy getting a pedicure or strolling barefoot on the beach.
  • Finally say goodbye to repulsive smell of your feet and shoes.

Proprietary blend of oils & vitamins, carefully mixed to complement one another into a powerful nail fungus killing formula

  • Clove bud oil: kills fungus pores better than anything else. It basically kills off any fungus that’s thrown at it. It also prevents pores of fungus from growing and maturing. 
  • Lavender oil: Starves the fungus no matter how resistant it is.  It also destroys the fungus ability to eat up keratin which is what makes up your nail. It also improves the appearance of your skin.
  • Organic flaxseed oil: Decreases inflammation, skin sensitivity, roughness, and scaling, helping your nails and skin to quickly rebuild themselves after being devastated by fungi.
  • Manuka oil: It completely wipes out the last pores deep inside the skin and is scientifically proven to be more powerful than tea tree oil.

For the complete list of the 19 fungus wiping out ingredients, visit this page

He calls it "1 Minute Anti-fungal sock trick" and here's how it works!

First, you shower or do a thorough foot rinse with a warm or hot water. This is meant to soften the nails and open up the skin as much as possible which means the fungus deep in the layers of the skin is now more exposed and vulnerable. 

Secondly, step out of the shower and spray ProNail Complex Mist all over your feet.

And lastly, put on some clean cotton socks.

Repeat these steps every day and watch your nail fungus disappear. Remember, this is not an overnight miracle cure. You need to keep using it for at least 30 to 180 days to see results.

About Dr Mathias Jensen

  • He's an award winning fungal expert with 34 years experience.
  • His area of focus has always been foot fungus since he suffered it himself back in college.
  • He has worked with top internationally acclaimed universities such as Johns Hopkins university school of medicine, University of Pennsylvania, and the medical school at university college London on dozens of research papers to understand fungus better and fight it more effectively.
  • Some medical devices he has helped create have been shown to work better and with less risk than current drug based treatments.
  • His inventions have been introduced in pioneering trials around the world and have relieved over a quarter a million people of fungal infections.
  • After years in the lab and countless experiments and going through thousands of studies from Harvard, Yale, UCLA and Duke university, he discovered a quick anti-fungal at home remedy in the form of a mist spray that 250,000+ people have used to relieve themselves from annoying foot fungus and athlete's foot.

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